Free Hypnosis Scripts - Cleanliness


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Cleanliness/Organization Script

Alicia Johnson, CHP

     Take this time to completely relax. Focus on your breathing... breathe in... and breathe out... You are going to become very aware of the organization within your life. You are going to find that cleanliness and organization gives you peace of mind. They allow you to feel refreshed and comfortable with your surroundings as well as proud of your space. Living in cleanliness and organization allows you to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. You find that when you see an area is in disorganization or cluttered you have the urge to take charge and clean and organize the area.

     You take great pride in your new-found organizing and cleaning skills. You notice yourself putting in extra effort to keep yourself and your surroundings clean and organized. Cleanliness and organization allow you to feel very comfortable and at peace... it allows you to relax and to feel more positive about yourself and your surroundings.

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