Free Hypnosis Scripts - Increasing Reading Efficiency


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Increase Reading Efficiency

(Using Betty Ericson method)


By Lin Chien Chien, CHP

     Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor.
Find a spot above eye level upon which to rest your eyes.
Soft focus and take in the whole room. Try to keep your eyes open for a while anyway. At some point your eyes will naturally close. Just let it happen when it does.

     Complete the sentence with observations in each of the three prime modalities, Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic (tactile sensations. e.g.: air temperature, textures, etc.)

     Note: While it's optimal to observe different things, in the audio realm it is OK to repeat items if necessary - like if you are in a very quiet room and all you hear is one or two things. Remember that silence can be heard too.

1. "I am now aware that I see _________."

(Repeat 3 times, 3 different visual observations)


2. "I am now aware that I hear _________."

(Repeat with 3 different auditory observations)


3. "I am now aware that I feel _________."

(Repeat with 3 different kinesthetic observations)


1. "I am now aware that I see _________." (2x’s)

2. "I am now aware that I hear _________." (2x’s)

3. "I am now aware that I feel _________." (2x’s)


1. "I am now aware that I see _________." (1x’s)

2. "I am now aware that I hear _________." (1x’s)

3. "I am now aware that I feel _________." (1x’s)


     You are very relaxed … imagine you are sitting in your office and there are some required paper work on your desk.  You grab one document and read it.  Your mind is as clear as floating river. You read each word and sentence through easily and efficiently. Going through those words are just like floating river.  You enjoy the moment of reading since the words bring pleasure and calm.  You keep reading, and key points are easily to be understood and memorized.   Reading words are as easy as river floating, you enjoy it without difficulty.  When you finish one document, you put it into your right hand side, and grab the 2nd document and open it and read it.  Again, you are reading it and that makes you feel like floating river.  It is so clear and peace.  You easily understand the paper meaning as it floating through your mind.  You finish the 2nd paper, and go on the 3rd one, and you finish it then put it into your right hand side, put it above the 2nd one.  You notice paper of your right hand side become more and higher.   You are efficiency reader.  You know how to keep your mind clear and calm when reading.  You finish reading within reasonable time.  Reading no longer troubles you and you enjoy reading a lot. 

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