Free Hypnosis Scripts - Test Anxiety


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Test Anxiety


By Mary Catherine “Cathy” Miller, CHP

     As you continue to relax, I want you to think about being prepared and relaxed when it is time to take your test. Imagine yourself calm, prepared, and relaxed at test time. As you look at the test in front of you, you will find that the color, shape, and size of the test paper itself will cause you to feel relaxed and at ease. The sound of papers rustling, pens or pencils moving across paper, even the sounds of footsteps or chairs or doors or people clearing their throats, all these sounds will gently guide you to greater focus on your exam questions and clarity of correct answers. As you notice the smell of the paper, you will be aware that you are happily able to remember what you have learned.


     You feel at ease even thinking of the word “test” because you know that a test is an opportunity to practice what you have already prepared for and studied. As you feel the comfortable grip of the pen or pencil between your fingers, you will easily recall what you have studied. You are confident, relaxed, and self-assured because you have prepared and studied for the exam.


     Reading each test question fills you with calm inner peace. You are able to think clearly and decisively. You have a clear, sharp mind. You read each question carefully and select the correct answer confidently. You effortlessly, methodically answer one question at a time assuredly. You know that you can trust your intuition, your inner voice that brings awareness of knowledge and wisdom stored within you. As you complete your test with confidence and resoluteness, you feel self-satisfaction because you know that you have done your best. You have completed the exam with excellence. You have done well. See yourself with joy shining through the smile on your face because you have excelled in the attainment of your goal to effectively complete your test with skill and accuracy. Feel how magnificent it feels to have accomplished excellence. Feel the pride in your heart as you see your perfect score.


     Any time in the future, when you have the opportunity to prepare for another exam, you will recall how calm, relaxed, and self-assured you are. You will know that you can simply take a deep breath, release it, and feel that inner peace of knowing that you have prepared and are ready to relax and focus on your test. You will be able to readily recall the information you learned. You will draw on your inner resources and pleasant thoughts of success as you complete your exam.


    You will feel at ease even thinking of the word “test” because you know that a test is an opportunity to practice what you have already prepared for and studied. Think about how wonderful it feels to know that you can and will succeed.


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