Free Hypnosis Scripts - Procrastination


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Mark O’Connell, CHP

     Day by day in every way... I now stop procrastinating and complete my tasks on time. I am now willing, able and confident in determining my goals and setting them to a schedule. I now, every day...every minute...will gladly meet my responsibilities knowing the immense satisfaction successful completion brings. Day by day in every way...I have no time for procrastination. The fun, pride and contentment I find in challenges...whether personal or too important to waste. Why delay this pleasure? Procrastination is in the past and timely job completion is now here and in the future. I see myself successfully breaking jobs into small achievable components.

     Every day in every way...I feel self-confident in my ability to handle any task or responsibility before me. When I choose or am given an activity, I perform it eagerly without delay. Seeing the near future...when I accept a challenge I will feel relaxed, confident and in charge of the situation. Positive creative solutions will play before me like a colorful animation and I easily select the best. I know and feel I can only afford my time and efforts toward success and completion. The urgency of any situation only fuels my desire to take on the task immediately and seek the best completion. My action is immediate. I can feel the back slapping and hear the accolades as any apprehension and anxiety have lost their hold on me.

     Day by day in every way...I savor the sweet smell of accomplishment and its rewards. It’s music to my ears when people compliment me for my ability to accept responsibility with constructive action. Day by day in every way... today, tomorrow and every day...I feel the warm glow of confidence as I now handle each and every situation life sends my way. ---- I will be sending out my Graduation Packet tomorrow.

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